
  • Ragdoll damage scales off hp but without at least 7k def he’ll just die regardless of how much hp you have.
  • Aim for 7k def 100%CR/200%CD and then as much HP as you can get
  • ACC is really nice on him too (like 70ish is fine)

(1) HP% ACC% CD% CR% (so change that attack to HP)
(2) HP or DEF main stat with the opposite on substat with CR/CD, 4th stat can be ACC/EVA/RES
(3) HP% DEF% CR% CD% (acc should be Def)
(5) exact same as (3)
(6) Same thing as (2) – probably have 1 of each HP/DEF main stat (on this rune the attack needs to be HP% currently trying to roll it)
(6) CDMG main stat with CR% DEF% HP% and then ACC/RES/EVA as 4th stat

Rune Sets

main stats

Sub stats

Example Stats

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